Local inspo at Langstone Harbour

Living in a city surrounded by the sea, you’re never too far from blue space, nature and the calming effects of the sea. From Langstone Harbour, you get the soft views of Portsdown Hill and on a super clear day parts of the South Downs.

I like to convey the idea that art is important in everyday life.

Georgia O’Keeffe

Whether it’s a short wander or a longer walk around your local area, inspiration from your favourite stomping grounds. From rolling hills, the sea and flowers – I like to interject the colours, gradients and contours of the land into my paintings and drawings.

Fill your space with harmonious colours

Often, the sky is where I draw my inspiration for the gradients and colours that fill the canvas. Serene, soft and warm evenings to dark and stormy nights.

The love of the outdoors, whether it’s by the sea, the rolling hills or hanging out in historic areas, the local area of Portsmouth is a great base for inspiration.